While driving home from a birthday bash on Saturday, I spotted this on the side of the road...

This fabric here is a strip with black, grey, cream, and the same taupeish-goldish color of the other chairs. I like.
I had some fabric leftover, so I decided to make a little something for the wall...here it is
I had an extra frame, so I embroidered our monogram on the extra fabric, and voila...wall stuff.
1. Remove the seat. This is usually done by unscrewing four screws on the underside of the seat. When this is done, the seat will just come right off.
2. Lay the seat on top of your new fabric. Draw around the seat with a pencil adding about three inches everywhere. You will need extra to pull under the seat and staple.
3. Cut the piece out that you just drew. Put your chair seat on the fabric piece and start pulling the excess fabric toward the center of the seat and staple the fabric to the seat.
4. Put the seat back on the chair with the same four screws. Got it?
Here is a pick I found of what I have just explained...kinda...
There ya have it ladies. 6 chairs recovered and one piece of art for a mere 18.00 dollars. The chairs are going to look great in the new "mansion." Can't wait to show you when I get there. Have a great weekend.
Yes....that is a gigantic cloche that you see there. I have to admit that when I rounded the corner on that baby...I almost screamed out loud. I have been wanting one for the longest, but would not pay the huge price wanted for one. So...I gladly donated 7.50 to the thrift store for the big one above.
Now....see all that Milk Glass? I have been hunting these beauties on ebay for some time. I finally bought one the other day and paid 12.00 with shipping. (for one!) I got 8 milk glass vases and compotes today. I paid between 1.50 and 4.00 for each one. Great deals. I also found two milk glass plates...fabulous.
I am a sucker for anything "made in Germany." Found three gorgeous plates and a great white bowl from Deutchland. Yippeee.
And, last but not least is the UGLY wooden tray. I am going to revamp that thing. You won't even believe it when it is done. (Stay tuned)
I squirted some of one of the colors of paint into a paper plate. Then, I used a paint brush to apply some paint to the rim of a bowl. Flipped the bowl over and placed it on the canvas. I did this several times. Then, I switched colors and bowls. Etc....
And, here the canvases are after they dried. Kinda hard to see, but I used three different colors, three sized bowls and added a small round sponge at the end.
Now I have art for the craft room. Free and fabulous. Trash to treasure until the next time I need a "change."
The photo above is from photojojo.com. They are wonderful. They have tons of cool photo ideas over there.
Anyways...Here is the dealio... You just collect yourself some jars. Pickle jars...olive jars...jelly jars...soda bottles...etc. Then, you decide which photos you would like to use in the jars. Cut them to fit and toss them in. The glass gives the photos a 3D look. Really neat. Here are some more pics of the idea...
And, here is another from photojojo.com . I love the little short one. How cute is that.
I was thinking....How wonderful would a bunch of these be in black and white with red tissue paper stuffed in behind the photo on the mantle around Christmas time? I think that I will surely try that out this year.
Have a great weekend. See you back here on Sunday for Dinner, Discuss, Dessert. Laura
Oh...My...Goodness. Martha aint got nuttin on Julie. Extreme Makeover: Desk Addition.
For the full deal on how to do this visit Julie or the Nester (Look under window mistreatments). In a nutshell, hot glue your fabric to the sides of your piece. Pull the remainder of the fabric all the way to the front of the piece, find the center, and hot glue it to the front center of your piece. Then, make a pleat on either side of the center that you hot glued and hot glue them too. I know...makes no sense. So.... go visit the ladies mentioned above. Have a great day. Laura
I saved and enhanced the picture. I spray painted two mats that I had laying around and spray painted the frame. Instant art. I love it when that happens. So...three new things for the bathroom for the price of two little nests and six little plastic eggs. That's a "camo" project that can't be beat.
Sorry this post was so...long. I just had a lot to say. Love, Laura