Sunday, March 29, 2009
Dinner, Discuss, Dessert

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Lavender Lift


Last but not least, the lavender wreath. This could greet other "genteel" ladies at the door. Hospitality at it's best.
I hope that something in this lavender post has inspired you to grab a little lavender for yourself or for someone you care about. Have a great evening and a blessed Sunday. Love, Laura
Friday, March 27, 2009
What Is It, and Do I Want One?

Now, cloches are not cheap. A nice size cloche seems to run around 35.00. A bit steep for my tight self. So...the photo above shows other glass options to use instead of the cloche to get the same look. I have the little vase on the front row in the middle. It was 1.50 at Wal Mart.
Most blogs seem to have these displays in an entryway or on a dining table or buffet. I love the entryway idea. After payday, I am going "junking" to see if I can't find me a cloche. Come fall, I too will have a plethora of pumpkins under glass in my military mansion. How about you?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Everything Old Is New Again!
All of these photos and their stories can be found at http://www.realsimple.com

And last but by no means least....wine glasses are used here as little candle holders. Just stick the candles in some sand or pebbles. Tada...
Hope you can find something old in your mansion to make new again.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Don't Forget To Look Up!
Hello Ladies. Welcome to the mansion.
Here in the playroom, we hung blow up globes with curling ribbon and thumb tacks. This repeated the theme of the room. (you can see the globes in the background) The globes also added color and shape to the area. The globes were purchased for almost nothing at oriental trading.
I can't say enough about the Shrine organization. We have been blessed over and over again by their generosity and care. As I plan yet another trip to Chicago next Tuesday, I continue to be thankful for every member of the club from the Coordinators to the Clowns.
If you ever hear of a child needing special surgical treatment involving clefts, orthodics, or burns, please send them in my direction. I would love to share more about the wonderful things being done for children by the Shrine.
Love, Laura
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009
April 1st Giveaway!!!!!!!
What is your fondest Easter memory?
I will select a winner (based on the comment) on April 1st and send the tassel out asap. Good Luck. Love, Laura
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Ms. Frugal Got Herself Some Coupons
#1: Fired the Butler....As if......Ha.
#2. Restricted "paper" usage. Not a square to spare....Ha again.
#3. Hired Tinkerbell out as a doggie double. Ha....yet again.
So...what did we do? Well here ya go.....
#1. The Teagues go out to eat 4-5 times per month. Every Friday. We each take turns selecting a restaurant. We don't eat fast food during the week. We don't grab lunch. This time last year we were eating out 3-4 times per week. Huge savings....and better for the waist line.
#2. We have taken to selling items at the thrift store. This month we have dropped off three loads of stuff. If everything sells, we will receive 160.00. (Hobby Lobby, here I come.) This is a high number because we are prepping to move, but there are always things to go. I have started keeping a walmart bag hanging on the boys' door knob. I throw their clothes in it as they grow out of them and take the bag to the thrift store when it is full.
#3. Ebay. We sell and buy off of ebay. We have purchased everything from diamonds to cars to toys. We have sold pottery, purses, toys, stamping supplies, and much more. There is always someone wanting to buy our "junk."
#4. And, last but not least....I just found http://www.mycouponhunter.com. What a fabulous thing. You go to the website and scroll through the grocery coupons. You click on the ones that you need for your shopping list. Submit your order. ( you are paying the lady to clip and ship the coupons) And, several days later you get an envelope in the mail with all those coupons. This last week I ordered coupons that will save us 22.00. I paid 3.40 for the service. So, 18.00 saved. That is without any double coupon stuff. I don't know about you, but that is almost two piano lessons for us. If I do this twice a month, that is four piano lessons...wow. I love that. HINT: Make your shopping list before you go to the site. That way you don't buy things that aren't on your list.
That about does it for us. If you have any super duper saving deals to share please comment with them. I will make sure that everyone gets in on the savings. Have a great evening. Laura
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Easter Gift Idea.....So Fabulous.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dinner, Discuss, Dessert

The Teagues had Chicken-n-Dumplings. Here is the recipe...
Easy Chicken-n-Dumplings
3 Chicken breasts
4 cups of water
2 cans of cream of celery soup
1 chicken bouillon cube
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
2 cans of cheap biscuits
Bring the water, bouillon, salt and pepper to a boil. Add the chicken breasts and boil until done. Remove the chicken and cut into small pieces. Add the chicken back into the water in your pot. Whisk in the two cans of cream of celery soup until there are no more lumps. Heat until a low boil. Open the canned biscuits. Flatten the biscuits out very thin and cut each one into six pieces. Drop the pieces slowly into the boiling pot. Continue on a low boil for 10 minutes. TaDa. Done. Enjoy.
I must confess. I did not go to church today. After Casey's stomach virus and a day of upholstery, I was in no shape to get up early. So, no talking points from the preacher. However, I did have a thought. While I was trying my best to cover my denim club chair, I kept thinking...."this is so...not my gift." I though that over and over. But, I didn't stop sewing. I kept on going until it was done.
God says through 1 Corinthians 12 that to each one of us (Christians) the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. This is done as follows..."To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues."
I have taken a "gift" test several times before. This test determined my "gifting." I am supposed to be gifted with hospitality and discernment. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Knowing this, I am set....right? I am expected to be hospitable. I am expected to be able to discern between what is of God and what is not. Everything else is hands off for me...right? I have heard folks say (out loud) "I can't do that, it is not my gift." I have even heard someone say, "I don't feel sorry for her, compassion just isn't my gift." So...are our "gifts" a way out of doing things that we don't feel comfortable doing? Are they a pass on showing care and compassion? Hummmmmmmm... The last verse of chapter 12 says...Love "And now I will show you the most excellent way." The most excellent way and greatest gift is Love. Without love, and the pouring out of it, we are for not. Without showing love, our gifts don't count for anything. So...I am going to go ahead and say that NO, our gifts are not a get out of jail free card for doing things that we don't want to do. NO, they are not a pass on showing compassion and empathy. They are ways that we express our love for others. They are ways that we build one another up. They are ways that we move folks to Christ.
I didn't quit sewing that silly slipcover because I didn't have the gift of sewing. I just gritted my teeth and ripped those seems out. I worked on it until the job was done. We should do the same with each other. Don't bow out because something isn't your gift. Don't be less than gentle with someone because gentleness isn't your gift. Because above all those gifts is the gift of Love. The most excellent way to do, the most excellent way to speak, the most excellent way to act, the most excellent way to react. And that is all.
Ice cream sundaes on Sunday. Yum
Have a blessed week ladies. Show your gifts and your non gifts through love. Laura
Let Me Share My Chair....