Monday, November 2, 2009

Painted Rug

Howdy ladies. Welcome to the mansion this fine Tuesday. I want to share the boys' rug with you all today. It started out as a cheapo green rug from Wally World. However, when we put it between the boys' beds, it looked less than fabulous. So...what to do? Aha! Paint it!
First I marked off a large rectangle to create a border. Then I grabbed some brown, black, and green paints (the craft paints in the craft section of Wal-Mart) and started painting blobs on the border area of the rug. More blobs... After the border looked nice and camo-like, I used some stencils to paint the boys' names in yellow. Here is the finished rug. And, here are some pics of the rug in their room....
Thanks for stopping by.
For some really great diy projects jump on over to A Soft Place to Land.
If you are looking for a new craft to try click over to Today's Creative Blog.


  1. You are very creative. This is a great transformation. I'm sure the boys love it. Head on over and click my "Follow" button if you like what you see. This way we can inspire one another to get our creative juices flowing.

  2. What a great idea-and so simple, it totally changes the look!

  3. Very cute! I've always wanted to paint a rug, but never have. This inspires me. :-) Have a good day...

    pk @ Room Remix

  4. How cute! I've always wanted to try painting a rug too.

  5. Great job on the boys' room! Niicce!


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