Monday, November 9, 2009

Blue Kitchen Angels

Hello ladies. Welcome to the mansion on this fine Monday. Blue Monday! It is Blue Monday over at Smiling Sally's. Stop on by and see all the fine blue stuff.

This past week I had the opportunity to travel to Missouri with some lovely ladies from my bible study group. As the trip was twelve hours long, one wonderful woman offered up her inlaw's home for a half way stay spot. Well.....little did I know that this great home would be full of fabulous treasures to share with you all.

One of the beauties in abundance was this....
BLUE KITCHEN ANGELS! I had no idea there was such a thing. Mrs. Shrepfer (the nice lady who let us take over her home) had oodles of them. All sizes....

I know this is Blue Monday, but there were lots of pretty pink ones as well...

Did I mention there were OODELS of them?????
Well, there you have it. Kitchen angels in blue and pink. I had never seen the likes of them before. I love it when a new treasure is brought to my attention. Now I will have to search for one of my very own. Have you ever seen these gals before?
Thanks for dropping in.


  1. I have never seen a Kitchen Angel before! Very cool to see so many at once!! Hope you are having a great Blue Monday and have a wonderful week : )

  2. I hadn't heard of them. I need them in my kitchen...especially praying over my cooking! I need all the help I can get! Thanks for sharing

  3. Those angels are amazing and wonderful! I will be on the lookout for one; doesn't every kitchen need an angel!

  4. Yes, Laura, I've seen these figurines before, and I've admired them. Happy Blue Monday to you!

  5. I have never seen these kitchen angels before but they are sweet as can be! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely week!

  6. I have never seen them either , they are beautiful !Thanks for stopping by , please come again.8~)


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