Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Splash On My Back!

Hello ladies. It has been a while, but I am trying to catch up. As most of you know by now, we are in the new military mansion. We have been working and working to get it into tip top shape. Great....but....all of this tip topping has left my piggy bank sounding a bit tapped out.

We finished the bathrooms, the laundry room, and a bunch of other stuff. We were nearing the end of the kitchen and I decided that I needed a tile backsplash. FABULOUS! Major Husband says, "No problem, I will just work a little overtime..." LOL For those of you pounding the military pavement every day, you know how crazy funny that statement really is. 24/7 No overtime...ever...

So, this means that the lady of the mansion and her Aunt don their work clothes and get at it...
Here is a pic of the kitchen before we started any redos.
We left our mark on the wall and started placing tiles with tile adhesive. It went on really easily. We used some little dividers to space the tile just right. We also covered the countertops with brown paper to keep the mess down.
Some of the tiles needed to be cut to fit. No problem. We used a wet tile saw to cut. This was much easier than I thought it would be. We just marked the tile with a wax pencil and went to cutting. After all the tiles were in place...then we grouted with a pre-mixed grout. This is as easy and making mud pies...just real messy!

After intense clean up efforts....we had this....

Not bad. My splash now has a back and my piggy is not much worse for wear. The entire tile job cost about 200.00.

Thanks so much for stopping by today for DIY Thursday. Take a look at all of the wonderful DIY stuff at A Soft Place To Land.



  1. Laura, I just saw on the home and garden channel that this is a fabulous (word I learned from Laura :-) way to upgrade your kitchen. Also, I know if you buy your tile from Home Depot, they will make the cuts for you (I just mark them with a pencil and used to be about 25cents a cut) and if they brake it...they walk over and get another one! This is especially helpful when doing difficult cuts like around your toilet. Tks for the photos! Shawna

  2. Wow, that looks amazing! You seem to have a gift for making things beautiful.

  3. wow! that makes such a huge difference! you guys did a great job :)

  4. I am so impressed with that backsplash. WOW! Now you've got me thinking (and my husband sighing)

  5. Way to go Laura!!! Can you come over and do splash my back for me? You make it look so easy but that saw intimidates me...and the grout. And, well, actually the whole thing. But it looks fantastic and well worth your efforts.

  6. Too darling!!! LOVE IT! You did a great job! I did mine and it was so much fun!

    Blessings to you,
    Lana @ ilovemy5kids

  7. You have given me the courage to try tiling. I have been toying with the idea for a while now. Maybe I will give it a try.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my table pumpkin topiary. I love meeting new bloggers.
    Have a great and wonderful day.
    Oh, and thank you and your husband for your service and support for our country.

  8. Great Job...My husband and I are going to do ours next weekend. Thanks for sharing

  9. It looks wonderful! You two did a great job. I really like that color.
    Mary Lou

  10. I think you need to come for a "visit" to the Myers Mansion! Seriously! :o) GREAT JOB! I am super impressed!


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