Sunday, September 20, 2009

Groundbreaking Experience

Hello ladies. Welcome to Metamorphosis Monday. For all of the great posts go on over to

We recently had a groundbreaking metamorphosis of sorts. It was groundbreaking AND back breaking. We did an overhaul of the driveway and the flower beds near the house. We started with a gravel drive and zilch for landscaping. See.....There is the yard. Not a lot going on there. I don't have a before of the gravel drive, but...not a lot to look at either.
First we marked the beds with spray paint. Then, we started digging. We dug out the grass and transplanted it to other areas of the yard. Next came building up with new dirt. We called in the big dirt truck and got a dumper full. Our kids, neighbor kids, and kids we didn't even know all showed up with shovels and gadgets to move dirt from one spot to another. We worked and worked....the pile wasn't getting a lot smaller. So...more neighbors showed up with this... Much faster. While the dirt was going down, the pvc was also going in. Husband and neighbor ran the pipe for the sprinkler system. Gotta love that. Men get really dirty when they are messing with pvc.
Next came the big trip to the Nursery. As one who knows nothing about plants, I had many questions. The nursery man was really nice. We got all the plants and headed home. Then, we had to lay out all of the plants where we wanted them.
Finally we planted and mulched.

Now we have a paved, planted, mulched, watered, landscaped yard. Our groundbreaking metamorphosis is done. We learned a lot in the process and we can't wait to spruce it up some more in the spring.
Thanks for stopping in to see our metamorphosis. Much love, Laura


  1. Looks great! Nice to have helping hands!

  2. Wonderful job! The plants look great, love your front porch! Cindy

  3. You win the prize for the most labor for metamorphosis! The finished product is very nice! Great curb appeal!

  4. What amazing transformation!! Hope now you can relax with some tea on the porch.

    Debbykay @ Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

  5. I adore your front yard and porch - you lucky girl ! We live in the country too but, yet to have a porch - one day !
    Hugs ~ Kammy
    p.s. love your upbeat Christian music - I am a KLOVE listener !!

  6. Well Done! Looks like it will very easy to maintain & add to in the spring

  7. Oh my goodness,it looks fabulous!
    Wow, what a lot of work!

  8. What a huge difference. All that work really paid off!


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