Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We Got A Horse...Kinda...

Hi there ladies. Welcome to the mansion this fine Friday. It is time for show and tell over at There is No Place Like Home . Pop on over and check everything out.

We, my husband and I, have lived all over the place in the past 16 years. Germany, Georgia, N. Carolina, Texas....and in every single place we have been a stone's throw from our neighbors. I am so...not kidding about that. Some neighbors were a mere 5 feet across the stairwell. Some neighbors even shared a common wall. We were always surrounded by people...and cement. I would classify all of our prior homes as belonging to the "concrete jungle." Here is a picture of our hometown:

Houston, TX. No grass between your toes going on there. we sit. In our new "mansion." In the country. Grass between our toes, open spaces, not so near neighbors, and lots of questions... Like...what do we do with all this space? How do we cut all that grass? What is that small creature? Where do we park...there's no concrete? Ha. Being here, we want to embrace everything country. We really do. But, we decided to start small....

His name is Micki Moto. He is a seven year old mini horse. We didn't even know there was such a thing. He is too...cute. The little ones ride on him. They feed him, bathe him, and even scoop the poop.

So, we are jumping into country life...we are just jumping in one "mini" step at a time. All we need now is a mini cow and a mini goat.

I must also confess that we just had someone lay a 5,000 square foot driveway...all brand new beautiful CONCRETE. You can take the family out of the "jungle," but you still have to give them a place to park!

Have a blessed weekend ladies. Check back Monday for our yard metamorphasis.



  1. First time to visit here. The little people look like they are having a ball with the mini horse.
    Mama Bear

  2. A pony! How exciting. Enjoy all that space. You'll wonder how you ever did without it.

  3. What a cutie pie! Thanks for sharing him with us.

  4. We went to a monastary on our vacation where the nuns kept tons of those cuties. Babies had just been born and they were SO tiny!!!!! I better not let my daughter see this post!

  5. He's a cutie patootie! Enjoy the country and add a little concrete -it really does make somethings better:)

    Stop by The Old Parsonage for a visit, I love company!

  6. How cute, but I bet he still "eats like a horse". Please show your other mini animals when you get them. As for those other creatures they are probably, let's see, rabbits. chipmunks, MICE, stray cats, voles, moles. Do any of those sound familiar?

  7. What a sweet little horse. How fun to be living in the will learn to love it! Thank you for sharing your pictures.

  8. Lovely. I have horses and I love horse photos and horse families. Enjoy and make some wonderful memories.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. How sweet enjoy all that fresh air! Love your mini horse........we are hoping to get a little land one day ourselves Thanks for sharing ~Blessings Heather ;-)

  10. I know the feeling well! It wa crazy when we first moved, for the kids to run & holler with out a neighbor to complain about the noise! Just in time for a fall garden!

  11. How fun! He sure is cute! Enjoy your space.
    Mary Lou


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