Thursday, July 9, 2009

Polish Pottery Crazy

Hi. This is a repost from Show and Tell Friday. A couple of ladies suggested that I post on "Blue Monday" over at Smiling Sally. goes...

Hello ladies. It's Show and Tell Friday at "There is no place like home."
I decided to "show and tell" yall about my Polish pottery. That is some of it right up there. It all started in 1994. My husband and I had just moved to Karlsruhe, Germany. The Army "misplaced" our furniture, so all we had in the flat was several pieces of military furniture on loan to us. Sad and pathetic.... Well....our new neighbor knocked on the door and asked if I would like to go to a German thrift sale. Yahooooo....Yes Mam. Several hours later I came home with my first piece of Polish pottery...Thank you Emily... I paid a whopping 5DM for it. That would have been about 3 bucks. I proudly placed it upon my Army issue table. It was our only "pretty" until Uncle Sam called and informed us that he had indeed found our stuff. Gotta love it...ha.

Being the new military spouse that I was, I didn't fully understand the importance of the teapot I had recently acquired. That is, not until Emily knocked on the door again and invited me to go for a weekend Poland. What???????????????? Yep. Poland...Boleslawiec, Poland. Because, you see, Emily clued me in. We MUST have tons of Polish pottery. We must have oodles and oodles of the stuff. We must drive to Poland with a mere 100 bucks in our pockets. We must find a place to stay in the afore mentioned Polish town. We must go to BOTH of the potteries. And, we MUST buy every last bit of pottery that we can stuff into Emily's Explorer. So...we did. We turned in our 100 bucks for millions of Zlotnys. It was the first and only time that I will ever be a millionaire of any sort. Ha. We bought Christmas pottery... Patriotic pottery... Cheese ladies... We bought every piece of pottery that struck our fancy... I lost track of Emily over the years. But, I owe her many thanks for our trips (we went back a second time), our overnight stays with a nice Polish family (they had a little picture of a bed on there front door...the symbol for...stay in my extra bedroom), and for my enduring love of blue and white pottery.

Thanks for stopping by the mansion.



  1. Dear Laura.

    Love your blue collection very much. All of them are damn pretty. You should post it too for 'Blue Monday'.

  2. Boy have you started something! We are leavin for a week in Poland at the end of this month!

  3. What a super, beautiful blue...wonderful, collection.

    My Show n Tell is posted if you'd like to stop by. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. How fun! One of the antique stores in Thomasville (GA) had a large display, but I think you have them beat. ;)

    Your post reminds me of the story my mom tells me about being stationed in Germany in the late 1960s and buying Hummels for $5. And she only bought 4 or 5 at the time, not realizing what they would become.

    Hope you're settling in to the new mansion :)

  5. Oh how exciting...I love that story. Your pieces are so pretty and unique! Bet you are thrilled to have them now!

  6. what a beautiful collection! you should check out smilingslly's blue Mondays since you love blue

  7. oops left out a letter

  8. Wow. Each piece is so nice. I love the spotted teapot.

  9. What great pottery and I loved the story! Have you collected any recently?

    Stop by if you have the time, I love visitors!


  10. What a terrific collection of pottery!

  11. Just beautiful. I love the blue and white. Recently I bought at a thrift store for six dollars a little Polish pitcher. I posted it on a Blue Monday a few weeks ago. Is all the Polish pottery blue and white. I am quite envious of your collection and have loved looking at it.



  12. Hi Iris. Most of the original pottery patterns are only blue and white. There is a bit of rusty brown and forrest green in a few patterns. Of late, the patterns have contained some yellow and a red color. There is also a set that is sorta salmon and green. That one seems out of place to me. I am a lover of the old school blue and white. Thanks for stopping by. Laura

  13. What a fun adventure you must have had! I just love that pottery. That shade of blue is one of my favorites.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Mary Lou

  14. How pretty. Thank you for sharing.

  15. How lovely! I love blue and white. I have a friend who collects Polish pottery, and she has quite a collection, but nothing compared to yours. And how neat that you drove to Poland to get it. What nice memories. (Maybe Emily will see it and you'll reconnect!)

    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my kitchen table too.

    God bless.

  16. I LOVE your collection, it's very nice! I also like your story, how you started collecting the pottery. I have started collecting Polish Pottery when we were in Germany as well. God Bless!

  17. I'm so glad that you joined in Blue Monday! You have a collection that is making a mess of me; I'm drooling big time. Happy Blue Monday.

  18. Gorgeous potteries. Nice collections. I like all.
    Enjoy your week.

  19. Very nice. I love the polka dot tea pot.

  20. Laura, your collection is amazing. Thanks for sharing your photos of it with us. Have a wonderful day.

  21. Laura you have an amazing collection. It s so nice to meet you through Blue Monday.


  22. What a great story and what great memories. And, of course, the polish pottery is very nice as well.

  23. Howdy
    Happy Blue Monday to you .
    What a great adventure and an awesome collection of blue and white pottery.
    Thank you for sharing all the fantastic photos.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Happy Trails

  24. Hello, Happy blue Monday, Thank you so much for stopping by. I'm still making my visits. Adorable post, you have lots of pretty blues!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage


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