Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dinner, Discuss, Dessert

Hello ladies. Welcome to the mansion this fine Sunday evening. It's time for dinner, discuss, dessert.

As the movers are due to arrive bright and early in the morning, The Teagues are doing their best to clean out the food in the pantry. We don't want to carry any more than is necessary.

To that end, we have been eating some crazy stuff. This evening we enjoyed Zataran's black eyed peas with rice and chicken. Not bad. We through in some steamed veggies (trying to clean out the fridge too) and everyone was happy.

DESSERT consisted of leftover ice cream from the boys' birthday party yesterday. Ice cream is always a big hit, whether it's day old or not.

Now for DISCUSS... Tomorrow, just about everything we own will be boxed up and loaded into crates and thrown onto a truck. Then, it will be driven over several states to a holding facility. Next, it will be down loaded and put into storage. Finally, it will be reloaded onto a truck and hauled to the new mansion. Our "stuff" will be in the hands of many different people over the next couple of weeks.

This got me to thinking... In the military, we hear horror stories about folks who watch their stuff loaded onto the truck, wave bye to it all, and get a call some days later informing them that their belongings have fallen into the ocean or burned to bits. I have never met these folks, but they are talked of often. What would I do if I received one of those horrible calls? Hmmm.... I can tell you that not so many years ago, I would have lost it....completely. I would have been terribly distraught over the loss of all my precious "stuff." That is "my" stuff. I have worked for it, decorated it, cleaned it, and treasured it.

Last year, we learned that our dear friends, the Banks' had lost their home in a cat. 3 tornado here in Prattville, AL. The Banks family lost just about everything. They lost their "stuff" and their cars. Thankfully, none of them were hurt. They managed to jump into the tub just in the nick of time. I need to tell you all that I never heard these folks complain about their trials, not once. Not about their cars or their clothes, or their furniture, or their pictures, or anything. What a testament to their faith. What a statement of their character. Their example was inspiring to see.

God tells us, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19

As I mentioned earlier, there was a time when I would have been a basket case over the loss of my "stuff." However, something has changed in me. I can't really tell you what or why. I just know that I don't have strong attachments to things now as I once did.

So, I say, "Come...take my away...try not to lose it on the side of the road...but if you do, that's OK too." How do you all feel about your "stuff?" Would you be devastated by its loss? Would you see the situation as a great opportunity to shop for new "stuff?" Would you feel like a weight had been lifted? How attached are you? Do tell...

Have a great week ladies.



  1. Best wishes on the move! I hope everything goes ok for you guys!

  2. I will miss you so much Laura! Good luck & please keep in touch with us! We will be praying for you guys!!!!!

  3. That's an interesting thing to think about. We live in Oklahoma where tornados are pretty constant or frequent in the spring. I do think I would be devastated by the loss of our stuff. What choice would you have though than to move on? We see the families on the news all the time who have lost everything. They are always just so glad to be alive.

    Wish you guys well in your new adventures. Since I'm just visiting you today for the first time I don't know where you are going?! Does it mean no more blogging?

  4. Stacey, We are moving from Alabama to Louisiana. I will be offline for a few weeks and then back at it. I will have lots of before and after posts at the new mansion. Thanks for stopping in. Come on back. Laura

  5. Oooh good one. About 7 years ago while we watched flood waters rise in our neighborhood and start rising into our home...ALL that mattered was getting my husband and baby out alive. NOTHING mattered besides that. Sure, pics would have been great, but nothing seemed important at all right then.

    We can lose that perspective over time though. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. ummm. yeah, I have def been thinking about this a lot in the past two days. I really need to work on talking to God about releasing the fate of my stuff to His control. You are amazing at evrything, and it is always nice to hear things from your perspective. Keep up the amazing work!!!!

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