Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Bucket Buddy

My Bucket Buddy
This post was previously displayed as a Project Friday. Today it is being posted on "Sunday Favorites" at Happy to Design. Scoot on over there and see all the previously posted favorites.
Hello Ladies. Welcome to the mansion today. Fabulous Friday.

Have you ever finished a project and had to ask yourself...."What did I ever do without this thing?" I am wondering this about my bucket buddy. Not long ago I cut a picture out of some magazine and put it in my idea it is...
Isn't that fabulous? I closed the idea book and didn't think of it again until I saw this...
Well...husband happened to be sitting near when I exclaimed over this bucket. He mentioned that he had an old bucket liner thing in the garage. "Run," I said "Don't walk," to get it for me. He did. Here it is...
Not very attractive, huh? I washed smelled like motor oil. I pulled the man tag off of it. And then, I did some sewing and gluing...see????

First I sewed on some white gros grain ribbon that I had. Then, I hot glued some big rick rack on. I was too lazy to change the bobbin color to sew it on....And finally, I had to put my monogram on. (like any good southern girl) And then...I had this....

I love it! I love to wrap things in brown paper. And, being military, I am constantly mailing something to someone far away. I can't believe that I didn't do this earlier. Everything is right there in the bucket (white bucket from Wal-mart for 4.50). Here is a pic of the inside...

And there you have it ladies...the bucket buddy. It cost me 4.50. You could use the bucket buddy for any number of things other than wrapping and mailing. Crafting, cleaning, picnic stuff, home school stuff, stuff to take to lessons when you are sitting and waiting for the kiddies....endless possibilities. I hope you too create a bucket buddy.

Have a great weekend ladies.



  1. What a great idea! Where would you get a bucket liner if you didn't have one laying around? I am goin to have to try this to organize all my scrap stuff! Please enter me for the other May Day drawing! I'm a sucker for organizational items! (what a nerd right?!)

  2. That's the prettiest tool caddy I've ever seen! Great job!

    Please enter me in your giveaway, I love the prize soooo much!

    Thanks so much for visiting me at Eventually Cottage!

    I'm glad that you like my cheapo projects. Let me know if you have trouble finding those trays at your Dollar Tree, cause I'll run to mine and see if there are any left. If you do find them, don't forget to show off what you create with them!!!

    Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

  3. Hey HayHay... I think that you can get a bucket liner at Sears, Lowes's or Home Depot. The ones that I found in the pics are prettier than mine. They came from somewhere other than a hardware store. I will dig a bit and see what I can find out. Laura @ the mansion

  4. This is a super idea! I have one for garden tools but I don't use it. I may have to repurpose it! Thanks! Jean

  5. Lovely work and I can see making several for all the different projects we have on our lives.

  6. I had one for my gardening stuff. But always dumped out my tools when I finished weeding. I will have to find it. This a better idea!

  7. Oh how I love this idea, I want one now. Maybe I can fix two while I'm at it. I want to thank you for joinin' me on Project Friday and what a wonderful project you have. Hugs, Rosemarie

  8. I just stumbled on to your blog. What a great idea! You have inspired me to try to make this myself to corral all of my gift wrapping supplies! Thanks.

  9. What a great idea! Don't we all need something like that? Gift wrapping, cleaning, gardening tools... Heck I could use it just in my son's bedroom. :)

  10. That is an AWESOME brown bucket idea!!!!

  11. What a great idea. I could use one of those!

  12. Necessity is the Mother of inventions they say, whoever they are? Good idea. Even better creativity.

  13. Great idea! I just have to share with you that I bought one of those canvas tool holders at a tractor supply for $5.00, and turned it into a scrapbook tote. I have pockets for scissors, markers, etc. Thanks for visiting my blog so I could stop by yours!

  14. Hi Laura...

    Girl, what a fabulous idea!!! You know, I've seen these in photos but have never come across one in the store...although I must admit that I haven't looked specifically for one! Wasn't that sweet of your honey to give his bucket liner up for you...ahhh!!! I just love how you embellished it...that big black rick-rack is darling and of course, I love, love, love the monogram!!! Ohh wheels are just a spinnin'...I'm thinking of several things that I would like to organize in a pretty bucket just like this!!! Thanks so much for the great idea!!!

    I'm so glad that you joined in with the fun of Sunday Favorites...this was a great post to reshare! Although it was new to me!!! I hope that you'll join in Sunday Favorites again!!! I do apologize for getting over to your place so late. I was away for the weekend and I'm just now getting to the computer! It's so nice to meet you and thanks so much for your sweet comments about my Frenchy Christmas!!!

    Have a wonderful week, my friend!
    Warmest wishes,

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