Wednesday, April 22, 2009


WaHOOOOOOOO Wednesday!!!!

Howdy all. Welcome to the mansion this evening. It's Wednesday....glorious Wednesday. "Why," you ask is this day soooooo FAB? Well...let me count the reasons:

1. All the thrift stores are open today.

2. Goodwill stores are open today.

3. All three of my children are in school...all day. WaHOOOO.

4. My mansion is clean. (This helps to alleviate shopping guilt.)

So...after dropping the tiniest Teague at Mom's Day Out, Mom headed to town. I started at the farthest haunt and shopped my way home. I hit one thrift store ,(on Maxwell Airbase....gotta love thrifting from a military store. Well traveled ladies selling their gently used gems.) two Goodwill stores, and one FABULOUS flea market. I didn't even make it to the best store of all, I pooped out before I got there. No matter....treasures were found in abundance. Take a LOOK!

Yes....that is a gigantic cloche that you see there. I have to admit that when I rounded the corner on that baby...I almost screamed out loud. I have been wanting one for the longest, but would not pay the huge price wanted for one. So...I gladly donated 7.50 to the thrift store for the big one above.

I also found 5 small lamp shades for my revamped chandelier. Gave 4 bucks for those.

Now....see all that Milk Glass? I have been hunting these beauties on ebay for some time. I finally bought one the other day and paid 12.00 with shipping. (for one!) I got 8 milk glass vases and compotes today. I paid between 1.50 and 4.00 for each one. Great deals. I also found two milk glass plates...fabulous.

Had to snag up the cheese ball cover and base. 4 bucks. I am going to make a trash to treasure with that little guy.

I am a sucker for anything "made in Germany." Found three gorgeous plates and a great white bowl from Deutchland. Yippeee.

And, last but not least is the UGLY wooden tray. I am going to revamp that thing. You won't even believe it when it is done. (Stay tuned)

I only do this type of thrifting every several months. Some Wednesdays are a big bust. Other Wednesdays are WaHOOOOOO Fabulous. This one definitely got the WaHOOOOO.

You never know what you might find at these great stores. I liken it to a momtastic treasure hunt. Go out and hunt ladies. Look for treasures every where.

Have a great night.


  1. You found some terrific bargains - especially the cloche!!!

    My dad is retired AF - he was in for 26 years. I remember well the great bargains you could find in the thrift shops on base, not to mention packing up and moving every 3-4 years.

    Love your blog!


  2. I want to go shopping with you! You find the best stuff & so cheap!!!!!

  3. Whew! I'm glad you think that tray is ugly too! I was worried for a minute there. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  4. Me too... dying to see how you can make that tray worthy of your home! :o)

  5. Lovin the milk glass..I collect it too.


  6. i was lurking around ur blog,which i found via "a soft place to land" and i saw this post! wow, i found a simililar wooden tray at goodwill a few weeks ago, and i also painted is the post-
    its the same tray, just painted differently!


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