Monday, April 20, 2009

Picaso ain't got nuttin on me!

AKA: Trash to Treasure Tuesday! See all of the Trash to Treasure ideas at .

Hello everyone. Welcome to the mansion this evening. A few days ago I was searching the web and found this picture of some DIY art at Better Homes and Gardens.

See the two canvases in the background? I liked them right off. I needed something to cover quite a bit of space in the new craft room at the next mansion. So....ran through the mental check list: canvases...check (I salvaged them from the attic and spray painted them the other day), paint...check, and bowls...check. Can do. So, I gathered the stuff.

I squirted some of one of the colors of paint into a paper plate. Then, I used a paint brush to apply some paint to the rim of a bowl. Flipped the bowl over and placed it on the canvas. I did this several times. Then, I switched colors and bowls. Etc....

And, here the canvases are after they dried. Kinda hard to see, but I used three different colors, three sized bowls and added a small round sponge at the end.

Now I have art for the craft room. Free and fabulous. Trash to treasure until the next time I need a "change."



  1. Wow! I can't believe how good those came out! I would have so much trouble getting the circles "random." I lean toward symmetry way too much and I drive myself crazy. :)

  2. That's awesome! I'm gonna steal that! :o)

  3. FABULOUS! Great job, and thanks for linking to the party!

  4. Very cool! Yours look just as good as the originals, maybe even better!

  5. Honestly, my mouth dropped when I saw the finished picture. Beautiful, quite stunning.

  6. They're fab!!

    I have to try that myself. :)


  7. Love these! Would you mind if I linked to your post through my blog?

  8. I love it and seriously how easy! Great job...I love new ideas!

  9. These are seriously awesome. I am so going to have my boys make these for their room. adding your site to my reader and bookmarking this post for later reference. Thanks.

  10. Hey everyone. Thanks for stopping by.

    How-To-Gal, please post a link....that would be great. Laura

  11. FANTASTIC!!!!! your canvases turned out perfect. I did some canvases with circles too, it was fun.

  12. I like yours better than the BHG ones!

  13. Just found your blog - and I love this artwork!!

  14. this is such a cute and easy idea!

  15. Love these! We are not military... just Methodist. LOL We are a Methodist clergy family who move around and live in parsonages. I am totally LOVING your blog and all your wonderful ideas. I am so glad I found you!

    Dana :)


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