Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Someone Else's Cute Skirt

Howdy ladies. Welcome to the mansion today. My sister-in-law, Julie, over at elphants, zebwas twains, and wobots, did a most fabulous thing this week. I just have to share it with you all.

She made a table skirt "mis"treatment. For those of you not familiar with the term "mis"treatment, you need to visit The Nesting Place. The Nester tells you all about mistreating windows and tables and vanities. Basically, this involves making something look great with fabric and a hot glue gun instead of dragging out the sewing machine. * Why use a pattern and a measuring tape when you have two perfectly good eyes to eyeball it with????? *Nobody is going to look at the back of it, so who cares what it looks like back there????? See how the "mis"treatment works?

Here is Julie's desk before the skirt "mis"treatment...

You can see all the electronics underneath... Little fingers can mess with stuff under there.... But then,

Oh...My...Goodness. Martha aint got nuttin on Julie. Extreme Makeover: Desk Addition.

For the full deal on how to do this visit Julie or the Nester (Look under window mistreatments). In a nutshell, hot glue your fabric to the sides of your piece. Pull the remainder of the fabric all the way to the front of the piece, find the center, and hot glue it to the front center of your piece. Then, make a pleat on either side of the center that you hot glued and hot glue them too. I know...makes no sense. So.... go visit the ladies mentioned above. Have a great day. Laura

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is a huge difference!!! Must go find something to skirt....


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