Monday, April 13, 2009

The Kids Have Taken Over The Mansion

The kids have taken over the mansion this week. It's spring break at East Memorial Christian Academy. So....what to do with the kiddies for 10 days....hummmmmm. We shall feed the birds......

We made some orange bird feeders for the backyard. The kids had a great time. It was a bit messy, but mansions are washable. Check it out.
First, cut the oranges in half.
Next, scoop out the orange meat with a spoon. It helps to score the orange first.
Then, punch a hole on either side of the oragne with a hole puncher.
Put some wild birdseed in a bowl. We put 3 cups for four orange halves.
Throw in some peanut butter. We put three big spoon fulls. Mash is all up.
Oh...forgot to tell you to lick the paper off of the top of the peanut butter jar.
Now, fill the orange halves with the seed mixture. Add some rafia to each side where you punched the holes.
Tie the oranges to a tree and you are done.
And what do ya know.....our first customer. Look to the orange on the right. A cute little birdie. Have a great day ladies. Laura


  1. Neat idea! And I LOVE the part about licking the paper from the peanut butter jar! Hahaha! Too cute!

  2. Wow! Awesome activity...I'll have to file that one away for future use. The kiddos are cute as ever!


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