Howdy yall. Welcome to the mansion. I am now the proud owner of an "outdoor room." AKA enclosed porch. Here is a pic of what our back porch looked like when the previous owners lived in our "mansion."

Can you say, "YUCK?" I sure can, "YUCK!" Well, after searching the web and finding this inspiration photo....

I really liked the wood design on the bottom of the porch. I also really wanted a space that would be screened. We have lots of pesty bugs down here in the swamp!
I had no sooner spoke my desire to have such an outdoor space, when Aunt Kathleen, Super Aunt, offered her services. She also offered Uncle Charlie's services. They are both great wood workers and can manage a saw much better than anyone actually living in the "mansion." Well, they arrived and the work began. First we had a frame...

Then the fancy woodwork began. Lots of miter cuts involved in that....

After screen, paint, and a cute door we have this...

Isn't it fabulous? Can't wait to make faces at all of those crazy bugs wanting in my new outdoor room.
Now, for those of you who live in quarters...When I did live in quarters (13 years of them) I always had some sort of covered patio situation. This was either in the back or the front of the house. You could construct a frame and do a similar outdoor room or you could use sheets of lattice to create an enclosed space. I know! You are saying, "But we can't alter our quarters like that." Horse Pucky. I have altered every housing I have ever lived in. I just made sure that my alterations were gone when I cleared.
A big thank you to Aunt Kathleen (super aunt) and Uncle Charlie (her sidekick) for all of their hard work and planning.
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