Friday, March 12, 2010

Poke Me, I'm Done!

Hello ladies. Welcome to the mansion. you ever need a little gift for a crafty friend? How about a pretty little teacup pin cushion? See......
This particular nifty gifty cost about a whopping BUCK! Now that is what I call a steal of a deal. This is what you do...
First, find yourself a cute coffee or teacup for almost nothing

Next, cut a circle of fabric 8-10 inches in diameter. (depending on the size of your cup) Lay it flat. Put a big blob of polyfill on top of the fabric. Then, place a metal dish scrubber on the polyfill. (you can get these 3 for a dollar at the dollar store) Now, you will need to sew some big stiches around the outside of the circle to gather the circle into a ball. OK. Now you are ready to hot glue the ball into the cute little cup. Just squeeze a bunch of glue into the cup and press the fluff ball into the glue. Add a few little pearl head pins and some ribbon, and walaaaaa....thrifty nifty gifty DONE! Just to is all you will need.

Thanks for stopping by the mansion today. Hope you can take this idea and tuck it away for future use.

Stop by Today's Creative Blog for super crafty ideas.
And, click on over to A Picture is Worth 1000 Words for trash to treasure.


  1. Fabulous!!! I have been thinking of trying this, thanks for the tutorial! Your's turned out beautifully!

  2. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. What a darling idea for a teacup, I cross stitch so I'll have to make one of these for my needles:)

  4. Great Idea. I'm going to share your blog with my sister, my brother in law is in the army.

    THanks you for your service!

  5. Wonderful Project and great music!
    Dee Dee

  6. that is so cool! What is the scrubber for?

    I would love for you to link up to check me out saturdays over at my blog

  7. I love it!! This is so cute..
    I had to come back when I read your comment on my blog!! What a riot!!


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