Monday, November 16, 2009

Super Simple Stockings

Hello and welcome to the mansion. I am 'tooting my own horn' today at Silly Little Sparrow.

As I have mentioned before, (here) I am one of those folks who can't commit to a constant Christmas decor theme. It is a sickness. Because money does not grow on trees here in the great state of Louisiana, I must find fun and frugal ways to satisfy my constant desire for CHANGE!

Each year stockings are a big issue. They must match the tree and the wreath, etc. What to do? I saw these beauties at pottery barn...
Love them. I like the simple white with the name. However, I don't like the 30.00 price tag. So, I went to Wally World and got some white felt. I think I paid 5 dollars for it. I drew a simple stocking and cut it out. I loaded the sewing machine with some black thread and started making some monograms. I also added some fancy stitching.
I sewed the stocking all the way around, and it was done. The ended up costing about one dollar a piece. Not quite a stunning as the pottery barn version, but I like them a lot. Here is one more pic... Thanks for stopping by to see my super simple stockings. Have a great day.
I am also posting at The DIY Show Off .
And, scoot on over to A Soft Place To Land for more DIY goodies.



  1. @Cheap Chic Home. They turned out so nicely! They just remodeled our Wally World- no more fabric. Sad.

  2. First, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I would love to have a sewing machine that makes all those lovely monograms. Mine is from the 70's when I had young children. At least it still works. Your stockings are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.


  3. I want to toot your horn too. What a great idea and you are so talented. Great job. Our Wally World quit having fabric as well. The last picture you posted was really pretty.

  4. Love it! What a great job. Stockings are on my list to make this year. I am hoping to find the time to make them.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Very Cute. I hope you will post this to my Celebrate the holidays party that will be up this evening.


  6. Those are amazing! Love, love, love them!

  7. I think they are elegant. I wish now that my machine did cool things like that!

  8. Those are just darling and I LOVE the monograms! That's a lot of skill!

  9. I'm late - sorry! WOW! Holy cow! I wish I had the ability to do monograms. Your stockings are awesome. Great job! And I like them just as much as the PB's always more special when they're made with love. ;)

    Thanks so much for sharing in the DIY holiday party! :)


  10. Beautiful! I LOVE monograms. I like your version better than the PB ones. I wish my sewing machine could do embroidery! Happy Thanksgiving!


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