Monday, May 4, 2009

Junk Under My Skirt!

Junk Under My Skirt! AKA: Trash to Treasure Tuesday. To see all of the great trash to treasure items visit Kimm @ .

AKA: 2nd Time Around Tuesday. To see many makeovers visit Diane @ .

Hello Ladies. Welcome to the mansion this fine Trash to Treasure Tuesday. This week I am sharing my daughter's junk hiding side table. Here is the table before... it's not exactly trash, but darn close. This little table has been around forever. It had scratches, dings, and even cigarette burns. But, the "bones" of it were good.

Now, my dear daughter has lots of stuff that she MUST have very near her at all times. IE...the clicker, her journal, some hair thingy or another, pens, etc. I, however, am not fond of seeing these items piled beside her chair or her bed. So...I decided to make a "skirt for her junk." First, I got some spray paint...

This particular paint is Ivy Leaf from Krylon. I sprayed the table twice. It took a while because I neglected to sand the table before I started. (Note to self: sand next time.) Then, I searched for a basket of some sort to attach to the legs of the table. I happened to find one at the Dollar Tree that was exactly the same color as Ivy Leaf from Krylon. See???? I attached the basket first with epoxy on the three braces of the table. Then I used some small screws as well. You can see that here...
If you look really close, you can see the little screw on one brace. Finally, I grabbed up some fabric from Hobby Lobby, hemmed it, and gathered it a bit at the top. Then, I dug out the hot glue gun and secured the fabric to the table top.

The old yucky table looks a lot better. And the best part...

all the junk is hidden right underneath. Fabulous.

Thanks for visiting the mansion today ladies. Hope you can stash some junk up under your skirt sometime too. Ha.



  1. Cuuuuute...the table is totally transformed, and love the paint color!

  2. Wow! I can't believe this is the same table. Great job!

    Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

  3. So cute! I love the idea of attaching a basket, makes it so much more functional!

  4. What a great idea for hiding all that stuff! Very creative and original. Thanks for linking up!

  5. I LOVE your header!!!!! That looks so cool!

  6. Great new blog design...I too love your new header!

  7. What a neat idea!!! That's just downright cute! :) We have an old farmhouse (that means NO storage space). :) I am always trying to think of ways to "hide" things!! I love this! My girls have to have their little "treasures" by their beds too.

  8. I love that color of green! Great idea, too.


  9. Visiting from "Time Out" - Cute blog. Love the header! And what a great little table. Very creative and functional.


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