Monday, May 11, 2009

The "Crunch" Chair

Hello Ladies. Welcome to the mansion this terrific "trash to treasure" Tuesday. As some of you know, the movers are to arrive Monday to take us to our new military mansion. There is a pic of it above. With only one week left to go before everything I own is loaded onto a big truck and rolled down the highway, the "crunch" is on. Last week I had pretty much checked everything off of the pre move list....except for a chair for the bedroom. OH BOTHER! I had looked and looked and nothing caught my eye. I was beginning to panic. Would I have to move without a bedroom chair???!!!??? Say it isn't so.

Well, I decided to drive the streets Saturday during the neighborhood yard sales. And I saw this.... Not perfect, not pretty, but it is a good size and you can definitely sit on it... So, I asked, "How much?" The nice lady said, "Ten bucks." I said, "Sold." I loaded it in the Suburban and headed home.

Now...earlier I made a slipcover for a different chair to go into the new mansion. You can see that here. But, I had just dropped my sewing machine off to be serviced so I wouldn't be able to sew anything for the new old chair. What to do? Hot glue and staple...of course. First, I loosened everything that could be loosened. There were some prong things holding the back and the sides on. I pried them up so that I could stuff some fabric in and hammer the prongs back down. Then, I stared cutting pieces and stapling.

For the front of the arms, I couldn't staple, so I cut some pieces, ironed the edges under and hot glued. Above, you can see one side glued and one side not yet done. Then, I did a little "Nester Mistreatment" for the skirt on the chair. This is basically one long piece (hemmed with hot glue) with a few box pleats glued in. There was a gap right in front between the sides of the pleat. OOPS. So, I covered a big button and glued that right on. Tada. Not a bad looking chair in a "crunch." Can't wait to see it in the new mansion.
To see all of the great "trash to treasure" ideas, visit Kimm @ .



  1. I love the chair re-do! I've always wanted to try it, but know that I can't sew that good. Well now I don't have to!!! Thanks for sharing!


  2. The chair re-do looks much to easy! I'll have to try in out soon! Thanks again for the handy scrap organizer, can't wait to use it!

  3. The good thing about this is that you can always go back and make a cover (maybe out of some of the same fabric) when you have more time. I love trash to treasure because nothing is so precious that you can't mess with it later.

  4. OK-twice now you have made recovering a chair seem so easy that I'm actually starting to think I could do it. Hmm.

    Now I have an old dining room chair from a table we no longer own. I want to put it in my bedroom but how to cover it? It's a hard chair--no upholstery. I'll let you think on that one while you are moving. :)

    Or, maybe I just need to find an upholstered chair, huh? :)

  5. Wow! How'd you do that? I know, I know, there's pictures, but seriously, that's amazing! thanks for linking up!

  6. Wow! Great re-do...looks like a whole different chair! Love the pleats!

  7. Wow! I am totally impressed. I don't think I could pull off something like that. I really love the button fix - thank heaven for embellishments!

  8. Very pretty. The first pic is not coming up on my computer at work, so I clicked on it to open it...that site is 'blocked'. Stated reason? Nudity. Is that chair naked?


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