Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Tray that Transformed and a Converted Cheese Ball Cover

The Tray That Transformed and a Converted Cheese Ball Cover: AKA Trash to Treasure Tuesday. (For a look at all of the fabulous trash to treasure ideas visit )

Hello ladies. Welcome to the mansion this fine Trash to Treasure Tuesday.

Last week I went "junking." I hit the goodwills, the thrift shops, and the flea malls. While junking, I found this tray pictured above. I bought it up because I loved the size and shape of it, not because of it's aesthetic value. was a steal. I also came upon a cute cheese ball cover and base. I grabbed that up too. Here is a pic of it...
But first, the tray. I have been seeing some really cute chalkboard trays. So, I decided to make my ugly tray into a cute chalkboard. I got a can of chalkboard spray paint and coated the tray.While the tray was drying, I cut out a stencil of the letter "T."
When the tray was VERY dry, I placed the stencil on the tray and dabbed it with white paint. I removed the stencil and finished the "T" up with a fine tip paint brush. Now, as for the cheese ball cover...I first epoxied a dollar store candle holder to the bottom of the plate. Next, I painted the plate black with a paint brush and some craft paint. When it was good and dry, I put a coat of sealant on it.

So...once again, here is the after pic of both trash to treasure projects. The projects cost around 11.00. They were quite fun and add a punch to a bland corner of my kitchen.

Thanks to you all for stopping by. Check in again on Friday for the May giveaway. TaTa for now...



  1. I didn't know that you could find chalkboard paint in a spray can - cool!

    Your tray and cheese plate look fantastic. What a great idea to add the candleholder at the bottom.


  2. LOVE that chalkboard tray. I am soooo jealous of your thrift stores. We have none. Oh and I also loved your canvas art project you posted about earlier. So.stinkin.cute.

  3. I love every bit of it. So smart you are.

  4. Love them both! What a cool idea for the cheese plate thingy. Thanks for linking up!

  5. Great treasures!!
    Love those ideas.

    Barbara Jean

  6. I'm just now catching up with all that you've done the past week. It's all amazing! Love the reupolstered chairs and frame, chalkboard tray and your "new" cheese dome! Super job!

  7. Laura,
    Thanks for coming by and for your prayers.

    Barbara Jean

  8. I love your chalkboard tray! What a great idea!

    Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

  9. Those are some AWESOME makeovers. I love them both...glad I came over!

  10. Love your ideas..especially the cheese dome. I just bought two in the past week. I am going to try this. Found your blog by googling cheese domes! glad I did.

  11. Aw man! I had no idea that chalkboard paint came in spray paint too. This changes everything. I feel a trip to the home store coming on....



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