Friday, April 10, 2009

Out With The Old...In With The New

Hello Ladies. Welcome to the mansion this evening. Have you ever walked into your mansion and thought...."I hate it!"? Well...I did that the other day. So, nothing doing (whatever that means...) I had to make a change. A little tricky considering that we leave this mansion in 5 weeks. I am saying bye bye to these things....

And, I am saying "Hello" to things like this....

This has inspired a lot of spray painting...
Today I worked on things for the new mansion bathroom. I decided to go with a birdie and nestie kinda thing. I saw this over at
Hey...I just spray painted two nice black frames... I think I can, I think I can...
I cut some craft paper to fit into both of the 4X6 frames. The paper has little wings on it....get it???? birdies!
Then I hot glued some little nests and eggs onto the glass of the frames. I these. They will adorn my new bathroom wall. While I was at it, I decided to frame a picture of some bird eggs that I found on the web.
Oops...wrong pic.... That's Nate. He is helping me arrange my ribbons. Here is the picture of the bird eggs.

I saved and enhanced the picture. I spray painted two mats that I had laying around and spray painted the frame. Instant art. I love it when that happens. So...three new things for the bathroom for the price of two little nests and six little plastic eggs. That's a "camo" project that can't be beat.

Sorry this post was so...long. I just had a lot to say. Love, Laura


  1. Ooo! I love the old AND the new! You should post before and after pictures of your design - the old style and the new style. Are you selling your old things? I love the bird nest frames!

  2. Pretty pretty! Love your Etsy shop, too! You go girl!

  3. Amanda, I sold the old stuff at the thrift store. Made over 150.00 bucks. I am saving the fiest for my daughter. It may be vintage by the time she uses it. Ha. I am going to post as I go with the decor and the transformation of the house. Can't wait.

  4. Fabulous!!! Really wonderful ideas I will so have to try sometime soon!

    Where are you moving to??


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