Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Flower A Day...

Hello ladies. Welcome to the "mansion" today. I noticed this morning that everything in the yard is in bloom. What a fabulous discovery. Just looking at all of the flowers makes me feel happier. And, it's not just me. According to Country Home, a Harvard Study shows that placing small bouquets of flowers around your "mansion" increases feelings of compassion and decreases feelings of anxiety and worry. How many of us couldn't use some of that kind of FLOWER POWER?

Not only are flowers beautiful and evidently effective for our psyche, but they are also cheap. If they are growing in your own "mansion" lawn they are FREE. Pretty flowers can make a room as well. Take a look at this pic... What do you focus on?
My eyes go directly to the vase of flowers. So...let's see what is in the yard and see what we can do with them...Here are some buds growing in my yard right now.
Here is the top of my cupboard in the breakfast room....BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Now, let's clip some buds and pop them in.....BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Are you smiling as big as me?????????? Go outside. Cut some flowers or some pretty weeds. Put them in a vase or a jar or a cup. Smile. Do you feel the anxiety level dropping already? Have a blessed day ladies.


1 comment:

  1. Great post Laura! I also love to look at the discounted flowers at walmart. With a little trimming off of the wilty and some fresh water every day - they beautify the table for half the price! Although, now I am going to go hunting in my yard.


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