Thursday, March 26, 2009

Everything Old Is New Again!

Hello Ladies. While browsing over at RealSimple, the website, I found some great ideas for using old items as new things. Take a gander....

All of these photos and their stories can be found at

For those of you with little girls...this is just too cute. They used an old stool and added a tutu. Walaaaa:bedside table.

Here is a cute table made out of a step ladder. I like.
This one is a covered cake pan that is used as a writing caddy. Could be great for the kiddies too.

And last but by no means glasses are used here as little candle holders. Just stick the candles in some sand or pebbles. Tada...

Hope you can find something old in your mansion to make new again.



  1. Laura - I love your suggestions and posts! Thanks for providing this blog to all of us military wives. I'm keeping a list of ideas to implement at our next post. (right now I'm living with Rebecca while Sam and Jason are both deployed)
    Thanks again!
    -Amanda Heider


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