Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dinner, Discuss, Dessert

Hello ladies. Welcome to the mansion. It's time for another Dinner, Discuss, Dessert.
Fried Chicken
Loaded mashed pots (recipe to follow)
Country gravy
Black Eyed Peas
Loaded Mashed Potatoes
5 potatoes peeled and cubed
1/2 stick of butter
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup milk
crumbled bacon
salt and pepper to taste
Boil the potatoes until tender. Drain. Add all other ingredients and beat on medium until well blended. Yum Yum....
Discuss: Are you jumpin for Jesus popcorn or are you "chex" mix?
Yesterday, my friend Jen sent me a crazy piece of video. It was titled Popcorn. It showed some folks sitting around a table. They had 5 or 6 kernels of unpopped popcorn sitting in the middle of the table and they had placed their cell phones near the popcorn facing the center of the table as well. They each dialed their phone and the phones started ringing. Only a few seconds later, the popcorn started exploding and popping all over the place. Here is the link if you have not yet seen the video.
It was amazing. All I could think was..."my kid is never getting a cell phone." Whatever was making the corn pop would also make their brains to weird stuff.
Well....for some reason I thought of the video during church today. I remembered the kernels bursting and jumping like crazy. I questioned myself with, "Am I bursting and jumping for Jesus?" What does it take for me to burst and jump for Him? Must someone else apply pressure for me to jump? Must God turn up the "heat" for me to jump? Do I jump at appropiate and convenient times only? Hmmmmm? Let's see....
I go to church...check
I read my bible...check
I pray...check
I volunteer at church...check
I try to guide my children in God's ways...check
bible studies galore...check
It occured to me that I sound more like "chex" mix than jumping for Jesus popcorn. I don't know that I "burst" and "jump" in any of the activities mentioned above. What is this saying about me? Hmmmm...
Are you "chex" mix too? Or...are you jumping for Jesus popcorn?
Strawberry shortcakes...yummm.
Have a great Sunday evening. Laura


  1. How fun - we had strawberry shortcake too! It's like we were eating dessert together.

  2. Hey Laura, will you email me? I downloaded ALL these pics of our homeschool room and the email failed to go through! I was so bummed I didn't want to do it all again right then. I used the address on facebook--maybe I typed it wrong? Anyway, just e-mail me and I'll hit "reply" and send those pics. I need some help in that room! :)

  3. Hi Laura:

    Thank you for entering my Easter vinyl giveaway at Today's Creative Blog. I'm offering everyone who entered 10% off an order. You can view my website at There is also a Buy One, Get One Half Off promotion going on now until April 6. You can email me at if you'd like to place an order or have any questions. The 10% discount will not apply to website orders.

    Your blog is great! Uppercase Living vinyl expressions are terrific for military families because they're easily removable when you move or you can put them on a frame, board, or canvas and take them with you.

    Thanks for your and your family's service for our country!


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