Thursday, March 19, 2009

April 1st Giveaway!!!!!!!

Hello Ladies. Here is a picture of April's Giveaway. It is a handmade decorative bunny tassel. These things are all the rage on etsy. To win this tassel you need to sign up as a follower on My Military Mansion (if you can) and leave a comment below this post that answers this question...

What is your fondest Easter memory?

I will select a winner (based on the comment) on April 1st and send the tassel out asap. Good Luck. Love, Laura


  1. Laura,
    My fondest Easter memory would have to be Easter 1998. Daddy came to see us at Fort Lewis. This was our first Easter with Maddy, and our last Easter with Daddy. I had originally planned to fly home with Maddy for Spring Break, but instead asked Daddy to come visit us. We had a great time listening to his "stories" and were able to take pictures of him and Maddy that move me to this day. As far as the change of plans, I now know that God made those plans for us...Daddy died 2 months later. What precious time we had that Easter.
    Love Ya,

  2. I have many fond memories but I vote for Melissas memory. Easter was always a special day at our house. Up at 4:00am hunting Easter baskets filled with goodies especially the 1lb solid Chocolate Easter bunny, mine with a pink eye and my 2 brothers with blue. My mom would use the left over paper towels that we dyed the eggs on the night before as the grass. We did not have much money growing up but my parents would always buy each of us an Easter outfit. Beautiful Easter dress with white shoes and straw hat. For the boys 3piece suits with ties. My little brother at 4yrs of age had a brown 3piece with a yellow striped tie (1981)-Matching my yellow dress. So cute with his red hair. Then off to sunrise and breakfast at the church then home for our egg hunt with real eggs. My parents valued all holidays and birthdays. Such special memories especially since my little brother passed in 1996. lOVE YALL,Amy

  3. I don't want to copy Melissa, but my favorite Easter memory is similar. Sam and I decided to drive 3 hours to see my grandparents Easter weekend. We kept debating whether or not we should because we were getting ready for Sam to graduate and move to our first duty station. I was also about 7 months pregnant with our first child. We decided to go and brought along our brand new digital camera. We took a bunch of pictures of us with my grandparents. Papa passed away suddenly shortly after that. He never met our daughter, so those pictures are the only ones we have of him "with" Anna and I will always be grateful that we have those.


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